Prices in cafes and restaurants

1. Average bill in cheap local cafe

500 RUB

2. Cup of cappuccino

250 RUB

Prices on products in supermarkets

1. Bottle of water 0,5 liter

30 RUB

2. Bottle of local beer 0,5 liter

60 RUB

3. Bottle of imported beer 0,5 liter

120 RUB

4. Bottle of wine 0.75 liter

500 RUB

5. Bottle of milk 1 liter

80 RUB

6. Loaf of bread 0.5 kg

30 RUB

7. Meat (pork) 1 kg

350 RUB

8. Chicken breasts 1 kg

130 RUB

9. Cheese 1 kg

500 RUB

Prices of accommodation rental

1. Rent of 1-bedroom apartment per month

50000 RUB

2. Average price for utilities per month

5000 RUB

3. Cost of internet per month

500 RUB

Transportation costs

1. Price of one-way ticket in public transport

50 RUB

2. Price of monthly pass for public transport

1700 RUB

You'd better find a (online) friend from Moscow who can help you here. Especially if you plan stay for quite a long time (better prices and discounts are for locals).
Проездные дешевле разовых билетов, удобная карта Тройка. За кольцом метро стоимость жилья сильно дешевле. Относительно недорогая еда в сетевых ресторанах, цена одинаковая и в центре и на окраине.
