Prices in cafes and restaurants

1. Cup of cappuccino

30 UAH

Prices on products in supermarkets

1. Bottle of milk 1 liter

23 UAH

2. Banana 1 kg

36 UAH

3. Oranges 1 kg

28 UAH

4. Apples 1 kg

25 UAH

5. Eggs 10 pieces

27 UAH

Transportation costs

1. Price of one-way ticket in public transport


The lowest food prices you can find in «EKO Market» or «ATБ». But fruits and vegetables can be not very fresh there.

Market «Сільпо» (Silpó) has high quality food with normal prices.

In metropolitan no need to buy entering coins, you can pay there by card.

But as for buses and other public transport you can pay inside only by cash in hryvnas.
