Prices in cafes and restaurants

1. Average bill in cheap local cafe

500 RUB

2. Cup of cappuccino

140 RUB

Prices on products in supermarkets

1. Bottle of water 0,5 liter

30 RUB

2. Bottle of milk 1 liter

65 RUB

3. Tomato 1 kg

110 RUB

4. Banana 1 kg

52 RUB

5. Cheese 1 kg

480 RUB

Transportation costs

1. Price of one-way ticket in public transport

45 RUB

You'd better buy «Podozhnik» card to save money on public transport. This card is sold in metro and costs 50 rub. Just put needed amount of money on it and pay your rides. It will cost you about 10 rub cheaper for a ride, than if you buy a ticket everytime. In the end of your trip you can give this card back at any metro station and return 50 rub. Attention: metro doesn't return amount you put on card, so try to use it all.
