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Very disappointed in Spain. Travelling singly i found them rude in Barcelona, when I was refused seating in a cafe in La Rambla due to being one person, despite there being many empty tables. I also had encounters with other spanish people who were very unhelpful. There is an arrogance about them which I disliked. I was expecting the warmth and welcoming of the Northern Italians, but there wasnt any comparison.


Nice place, we were visiting different places in Bali but it was super caotic, the traffic is terrible, don't rent a bike!!! Also as expensive as Australia, I was surprised about the prices of food and drinks. Anyway, it is a nice place to visit once.


London was fun for 3 days because there were so many things to see, but I would never live there. It was a crowded hellhole. Stonehenge and Windsor are cool to see. However, you MUST book everything in advance because of the amount of tourists that have come here due to the Bridgerton show and everyone's weird obsession with the royal family. 
