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Lived and worked in Libya during Gheddaffi's regime. Practically 4 years.The best part was on fridays — a non working day, then came saturday and sundays, when my headquarters in Italy were closed, thus I had a 4 day working week!


If you plan to visit this great country, please reserve yourselves some time!
There are so many things and places to visit, many of which are unique to this Country/


Lived and worked in Dallas practically 1 year. It's not a holiday place at all! But if you like travelling by SUV, there are still many small towns which look like they have come out of a film western! The difference is that the Sheriffs don't ride horses, but drive powerful V8's.


Great place to retire, especially if you are a fan of golf and tennis! Mild climate — practically on the beach — luxurius marinas…
I warmly recommend a 2 week stay.


Visited Lugano after travelling to Bellinzona for a concert that was a an error of misinformation. Enjoyed coffee breaks in the street cafes and liked the Swiss-Italian mingling of the local culture


Impressive from all aspects and stayed at the Lausanne Palace Hotel which gave me an insight of how royalty travelled and the hospitality afforded to them.
