Prices in Samarkand



1 USD = 12658,23 UZS

Prices on products in supermarkets

1.  Rice 1 kg

11392 UZS

2.  Loaf of bread 0.5 kg

1899 UZS

3.  Banana 1 kg

22785 UZS

4.  Apples 1 kg

18987 UZS

5.  Potato 1 kg

3797 UZS

6.  Eggs 10 pieces

12658 UZS

Prices of accommodation rental

1.  Rent of 1-bedroom apartment per day

632911 UZS

2.  Rent of 1-bedroom apartment per month

6329114 UZS

3.  Average price for utilities per month

379747 UZS

4.  Cost of internet per month

126582 UZS

Flights to Samarkand

We got information about prices in Samarkand on products in supermarkets and accommodation rental based on the data of 1 person.

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