Canada Diaries : Journal note 5 of a Wandering Sherpa : Aurora at Yellowknife

Aurora Borealis: a much awaited item off the bucket list

When you see that on a summer night, it cant get any better

Our travels to Arctic (2022) and Antarctic (2019) were absolutely mesmerizing but always felt incomplete because we travelled in summers and did not have a chance to see the Aurora Borealis and the Aurora Australis. Polar regions without the polar lights …. hmmmm

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What's the best time to do Chadar trek?

The Chadar Trek is best done in January or February when the ice sheet is firm enough to walk for long distances. The temperature is usually twenty degrees below freezing, if not lower. Chadar Trek can be enjoyed by everyone, whether you are a seasoned professional or a first-time trekker. The most difficult aspect of this trek is not the terrain itself, but the extreme cold weather, which can test people of all ages. Proper clothing, trekking shoes, hydration, and food are sufficient for your

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Part VII: “With endurance we conquer”

Climbing Nyiragongo volcano wasn’t my first mountain climbing experience, but I had to confess — it’s not the physical part that worried me the most, but the moral — on high altitude and because of lack of oxygen, when it was difficult to walk and talk at the same time, all my thoughts were hiding somewhere, and minutes trying to find them and take them out, felt like eternity… I tried to remember and recite the poems we studied at school as kids, sing some pop songs and even think about the

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Part VI: “Are we there yet?”

We reached the first stop in less than an hour while chatting, cracking jokes and getting to know each other and were constantly praising the weather — we were walking in a single line on a narrow path between bushes that would have turned into more if it was raining. After agreeing not to waste time at first stop, we continued up and reached the second rest level without any difficulties. Having quickly snacked on bananas and biscuits, we were eager to continue!

From then on I was more

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Part V: “Crossing the border”

-I cannot go any further, — a lad stoped under a tree on a crossroads. — You have to go that way, — he pointed vaguely somewhere, turn his horse and rode away, before I even had a chance to reconfirm… So I went… where he sent me to… a miniature grocery store, a barber shop, fruits and nuts street vendors along the road where staring at a mzungu with curiosity — am I going the right way?

After around 10 min of walking I finally saw a sign “Grand barrière”, and soon — the immigration

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