I find out the city "Efes Antik Kenti" I created is deleted, but the photos of its 8 sites I supply still exist on 3Pulse! Are these 8 sites counted in my account? If not, where can I add again?


The problem with «Site» is that it cannot contain sub-sites. So such «Site» needs to be treated as «City».

1 answer1

Visited 71 countries, 576 cities, 1043 places
Hello Joe!

I've added all the places to your Travel map — «city» Efes Antik Kenti and the other places you've added. Can you please check it?
Thank you very much, Vladimir. I will continue to add more sites (sights) and beautiful photos to Efes Antik Kenti. This name «Efes Antik Kenti» is not my invention, because it figures prominently in Google Map to refer to the prestigious World Heritage Site of ancient Ephesus ruins! Next week I will visit «Western Sahara» and I will add it to my list of visited countries.

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