You can find Aruba in the list of countries on your Travel Map page. You need to go back to your map page and click the «Edit map» button. Then you need to click on the «Select from list» and find the Aruba in the «North and Central America» section.
1 answer1
You can find Aruba in the list of countries on your Travel Map page. You need to go back to your map page and click the «Edit map» button. Then you need to click on the «Select from list» and find the Aruba in the «North and Central America» section.
You can also find the capital of Aruba — Oranjestad here —
You can find the capital of Curaçao — Willemstad here —
You can find the capital of Bonaire — Kralendijk here —
Curaçao and Bonaire are still a part of Netherlands Antilles in our database and we will divide it in the next updates.
If you need any help, please let me know.
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